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Talent & development

A robust talent strategy provides a pipeline of talent with the right skills and experience to fill both planned and unplanned leadership vacancies. How you identify and evaluate future potential and then work with those talent pools to build leadership experience is crucial.

​As organisations develop and change, it isn’t enough to take into account an individual’s past performance, it’s more important to consider how well your potential future leaders can adapt to an increasingly fast paced environment of change.

Using agility models and assessment frameworks we can more accurately predict how well leadership candidates will adapt and perform when faced with new leadership challenges.

We work with your team to ensure your leadership talent pipeline meets your future business needs by helping you to:

Review your succession planning strategy and processes

Develop your talent assessment protocols

Build and manage your talent pool and pipelines

Plan emerging leader development

Organisational engagement

To be successful, organizations need to have engaged people who understand and support the purpose, values, and strategy of the organization; they feel supported by their managers and they feel motivated by both the work they are doing and the reward that they receive for their endeavors.

But there can be a disconnect between the leadership vision and the reality lived by the employees. Talent retention becomes an issue, people don’t always give their best performance at work and consequently team and business performance suffers. In today’s increasingly social world, disgruntled employees can have a direct impact on your ability to attract future talent and on your brand value in the market. We help to change that.

We work with your team to help you understand:

What's currently driving your organisation's engagement levels

Where changes can be made to develop a positive organizational culture

How leadership and team communication and behaviours can help address engagement issues

Resourcing & mobility

Employing the right talent for your business is one of the most important differentiators between success and failure. Having the right people, in the right place at the right time is the key purpose of your resourcing team.

​Effective recruitment, selection and mobility processes help you attract the brightest and best talent, drives engagement, helps reduce staff turnover and meet your strategic business needs; while robust induction processes help fast track new and mobile employees into productive members of your organization. Mistakes in the selection, onboarding or mobility processes can prove costly and disruptive to your business.

We work with you to help you:

Attract the right talent with the right job skills and experience

Develop your own unique employer value proposition

Structure your mobility processes, packages and policies

Evolve your induction process and enhance your onboarding

Performance & rewards

Reward Management is the formulation and implementation of strategies and policies that aim to reward people fairly, equitably and consistently in accordance with their value to the organization. Reward can also be a highly emotive area for many organizations to manage. How organizations approach their reward philosophies, structures and communications can have a considerable impact on their ability to engage and retain their top talent.

It works on two levels:
– strategic; by aligning efforts with long-term business goals, driving engagement and productivity, and
– integrated; by supporting talent development, succession planning, innovation and the remuneration strategy, driving retention and growth.

We work with HR teams to explore the best practice options available, look at trends in the reward environment and support them in effectively managing the changing expectations of reward across a multi-generational workforce.

We work with your team to ensure your leadership talent pipeline meets your future business needs by helping you to:

Review your succession planning strategy and processes

Develop your talent assessment protocols

Build and manage your talent pool and pipelines

Plan emerging leader development

    Start better conversations

    For more information or just to have a chat with us, get in touch today.

    Get in touch   Or call us today: +44 1243 377095